Provider Registration

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Fields marked with '*' are required.
Passwords must be at least 8 characters long and contain 4 following:
  • One capital letter
  • One lowercase letter
  • One number (0-9)
  • One special character ($, %, &, etc.)
 * The Registration number is found at the bottom of an EOB.


By checking the box below, I agree and acknowledge: 1) to maintain the confidentiality of all information provided via PHP TPA Services website in compliance with all applicable laws and PHP TPA Services policies; 2) to not allow any other person to learn or use my password; 3) to notify PHP TPA Services in the event I have reason to believe somebody has my password or has attempted to access the PHP TPA Services website in my name; 4) to not attempt to alter any information on the website; 5) to notify PHP TPA Services within 24 hours of my separation from the provider identified above; 6) that PHP TPA Services reserves the right to limit, suspend or terminate my access to the website; and 7) that my employer and I will hold PHP TPA Services harmless in the event I breach any of the above terms.
I Agree to the Terms of Service